NORLAX – A present-day smokehouse with 100 years of experience

Norlax is located in Outrup – a small village on the Jutlandic west coast surrounded by green fields and characteristic Danish lowland close to the Wadden sea and the North Sea.

100 years of craftsmanship

Norlax started as just a small, local establishment, but has since won global market shares. Today, we produce approximately 4,000 tons finished goods yearly, which are either sold as our own brand, or under a private label.

Our success is tied to our persistence to keep the old core traditions while still introducing new technology and knowledge – we optimise, but we don’t compromise. In order to provide the best customer satisfaction, we only use fresh fish that have been processed in accordance with the current regulations.

Quality products and traditions

A highly specialised staff of 200 employees has provided the foundation for successfully expanding globally. All 200 specialists know exactly what it takes to deliver high quality products of highest market standards. As a part of their job, all employees are continuously educated to match present-day demands and specialist requirements within the field.

Satisfied clients and business partners

Due to our know-how and constant product and practice evaluation, we are a coveted international business partner. Approximately, 90% of our production is exported to satisfied clients – most of them private labels.

Our ambition is clear – we want to provide a quality product that meets the demands of consumers from all over the world.

Raw materials





TEL.: (+45) 76 52 23 00